CE Meets Hospitality Industry


CE Meets Hospitality Industry

Centre for Engineering and Manufacturing Excellence (CEME) is an not-for- profit enterprise in the London Borough of Havering, London. It was established in 2000 as a commercial venture for the growth and development of the area. The centre’s main objective is to provide its hundreds of trained staff with the best environment in which to develop new ideas. The company offers courses and seminars that are relevant to the real world and help students develop the skills they need to become tomorrow’s leading engineers and technicians.

In addition to these, the centre offers courses for those who have recently graduated from university and colleges and are seeking employment in London. The centre offers many different programs including: electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, electronics, civil engineering, chemical engineering, computer technology, and electronics and telecommunications. Most courses are taught in English and some offer simplified modules so that language and communication difficulties can be dealt with. For those wishing to specialize, there are a number of different options available in the category filters that include: cemen – a four-year college, cemen – a two-year college or university, computer technology – one of many colleges/universities offering accredited computer technology courses, cemen – an interdisciplinary program that allows students to follow a course of study independent of other students, and electronics – one of many colleges/universities offering accredited electronics courses.

As part of their hands-on training, students learn how to use the most modern technology tools in industries around the world such as automotive, medical and creative industries. They also gain valuable industry experience by participating in hands-on projects in companies including Mercedes Benz, Jaguar Land Rover, Apple, Sony and Nissan, which helps them develop essential skills and confidence before starting university or college training. The centre is not only set up to teach its staff the latest technology but also to help them find jobs in the technology sectors. For example, the company has launched the career centre plus – a website that has links to help current and potential students find work. For anyone who is interested in finding a position, all they need to do is fill in a form.